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'The Best Story I had...'

People's Stories Project

I got to speak to Phumlani Pikoli about language, young Black middle-classness and 'survivor's guilt' in South Africa.



What does it mean to decolonise BDSM?

African Arguments

"many thanks again Thandiwe for all your work on this. It's definitely one of the more fascinating pieces we have published this year!"- Editor




Good People: Race, Not Racism, Is the Social Construct


"We are so lucky to have guest blogger Thandiwe Ntshinga  return to us for another stunning explanatory article about the stark contrast between using the theory of race as a social construct as a tool to understand racism vs. a tool to undermine the fight against it." - Yopp!Voice



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Rape Culture, Gender Based Violence, and Femicide in South Africa

My Sister's Magazine

"Insecurity, as it relates to the safety of womxn, Black womxn and especially, lesbian Black womxn, is commonplace in South Africa. We are tortured, raped and killed-often by men we know. The government's lack of intervention is apparent and costly."


In "Rape Culture, Gender Based Violence, and Femicide in South Africa,"  Thandiwe Ntshinga assesses why South Africa is currently one of the most dangerous countries for womxn. -My Sister's Magazine



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